"No Moon" for Yountville Arts

I'm so grateful to have amazing opportunities like this! To be able to collaborate with an artist friend who inspires me and get work together to create a shared vision for a community art event. On so many levels, this is fantastic! AND, I got to do it with TWO other artists!

The Wright from the Heart exhibit produced by Yountville Arts and co-sponsored by the Yountville Chamber of Commerce gifted local Napa Valley artists with this wonderful opportunity. This is the third annual Heart of Yountville art show and, I think, the best yet! Wright from the Heart is a unique gallery exhibit that pairs artists with writers for an intriguing visual journey. The ultimate exhibit launches as part of the annual Napa Valley Mustard Celebration

60 artists and writers co-created to bring 30 truly unique works of art to the Steve Rogers Gallery at the Yountville Community Center through March 28, 2025. The Opening Reception is Thursday, January 16th.

In this piece, I was the artist, working with my wonderful friend and amazing artist and writer, Morrie Warshawski.

The exhibit has us create an audio recording for viewers to hear.
This is what our says...

"Morrie and I had a wonderfully creative experience collaborating on this art project. The process was easy for us and sparked with inspiration back-and-forth. We started with some photo imagery that I was pondering to combine into a thoughtful, reflective piece that met my mood at the time. I added in a couple of other random images that I liked and sent all of it to Morrie. We chatted about the basic images and then I asked him to give me his ideas on how to add to it or manipulate how it was developing.

He came up with some fan fantastic ideas with the random images that I never would’ve thought of…. and I loved them! So together the imagery came together as you see it, and then he wrote the poem around that. His words are lovely and thought-provoking and fit perfectly.

We would both like to say thank you to Yountville Arts and the Yountville Chamber of Commerce for producing and sponsoring such a unique opportunity.

It’s not very often that we get to engage with another artist in true collaboration. And it’s even more special when it’s a friend whose work you admire and inspires you.

Thank you for envisioning this idea and inspiring us!"

Zimmer-Warshawski_artwork No Moon"No Moon" by Katherine Zimmer and Morrie Warshawski “No Moon”
poem by Morrie Warshawski
step, step
lightly my love
between embers and sand
no moon this night
can sully a muddled sky
no moon tonight
only flames
embraced by stone
step, step
lightly my love
each footprint a ghost
of the one before

Artwork Info:

“No Moon”
20” x 24”
Photography on metal
For purchasing info, email Katherine Zimmer

Artwork: Katherine Zimmer
IG & FB: @kz.photo.artist

Poem: Morrie Warshawski
IG: @morriewar










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